greenXchange e.V. is a registered association under German law.
Chairman of the Board: Dr. Thomas Fröhlich
V. i. S. d. P.: Dr. Thomas Fröhlich
Due to its public benefit the greenXchange e. V. is in the process of being recognized as a nonprofit organization by the tax authority of Berlin. Further information to follow.
Based on this we will be able to confirm that all grants are notably worthy of sponsorship and used in the sense of § 52 Abs. 2 sentence 1 No. 4, 13 and 15 AO (tax code of Germany)
Account for donations
greenXchange e. V.
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The following applies for all links on these pages: We point out that we have no influence on the design and contents of other providers’ sites accessible via a link on our homepage and that we do not adopt their contents as our own. This disclaimer applies to all pages on this homepage and to any links placed thereon.
The greenXchange webmaster reserves the right to change, amend or delete any provided information without prior notification.
Design and development of the website
Sea Brand Ltd
1A Selborne Road
Hove BN3 3AJ
United Kingdom